295.00 590.00

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Amritsari papad is made from seasoned dough, usually of hulled urad daal flour, seasoned liberally with salt, black pepper, heeng (asafoetida), cumin, coriander,pomegranate seeds, and sometimes garlic. The proportions are highly variable, leading to a large variety in taste and pungency. The dough is rolled into wafer
thin discs the size of a small plate, and sun-dried to prepare raw papad. Flours from other sources such as lentils, chickpeas, rice, tapioca or potato, are sometimes used.Dried papad will keep for several months without refrigeration.
Papad is prepared by roasting in an oven or on an open flame, and because it is so thin and dry, takes but a fraction of a minute to be done. In Punjab, it is typically served as an accompaniment to a meal after roasting in an oven or on an open flame, but elsewhere in India it is also eaten as an appetizer or snack.

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 295.00 590.00

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Buy papad at www.sardarexclusive.com
Amritsari papad is made from seasoned dough, usually of hulled urad daal flour, seasoned liberally with salt, black pepper, heeng (asafoetida), cumin, coriander,pomegranate seeds, and sometimes garlic. The proportions are highly variable, leading to a large variety in taste and pungency. The dough is rolled into wafer
thin discs the size of a small plate, and sun-dried to prepare raw papad. Flours from other sources such as lentils, chickpeas, rice, tapioca or potato, are sometimes used.Dried papad will keep for several months without refrigeration.
Papad is prepared by roasting in an oven or on an open flame, and because it is so thin and dry, takes but a fraction of a minute to be done. In Punjab, it is typically served as an accompaniment to a meal after roasting in an oven or on an open flame, but elsewhere in India it is also eaten as an appetizer or snack.

Additional information
Weight 1 kg

500 Gm, 1 Kg

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